Friday, December 30, 2011

The Big Move

So the day has come and passed. We have officially moved in to our new house.  I can’t even put into words how exhausted excited Adam and I are.  However, it wasn't all smooth sailing; we had some bumps along the way.

Here we go...

The bad stuff
1.       My brother came in from Tennessee to help me move, instead, he had his appendix removed ( below )

2.       We only hired movers for the “ big stuff”  big mistake.

3.       Our box spring didn’t fit up the stairs, so our movers left it downstairs for us to figure out
4.       We don’t own an SUV which resulted in many, many, many trips back and forth.
5.       I have no cable or Internet until January 3rd

The good stuff
1.       We are all moved in
2.       We passed on  the keys to our new tenant yesterday
3.       We got so many gift cards for Christmas that an entire bed set was bought, free of charge!

4.       I am getting some great antiques from my parents in January ( think: 1800's Chifferobe and then antique looking knobs from anthro. can you say awesome wardrobe for about 20 bucks?)
5.       I no longer have to walk up 20+ stairs to get to my house
6.       Milo has a ton of space to run around and is an awesome co-captain on long drives

7.       Granite counter tops
8.       New appliances (coming soon!)
9.       Lots of new spaces to decorate
10.   I have a washer and dryer that doesn’t require quarters (can I get a hallelujah?)
11.   Did I mention I don’t have to walk up 20+ stairs to get to my house anymore?
12.   That there are so many good things about moving into this house that I’m just going to end the list here for the sake of your time and mine.

Stuff I learned
1.       Never listen to a lady that works for Lenox when you are registering for your wedding gifts.
2.       I could host a wine tasting for 30+ people using real wine glasses (thank you, Lenox lady)
3.       I could also provide coffee for those 30+ people after they’ve finished their wine.
4.       Don’t give in and buy a new box spring when the movers say it will not fit. Take it apart and haul it up stairs yourself. (Nice job, Adam and Mr. Curley!)
5.       Just because your house is bigger, doesn’t mean everything will fit. Just look at our basement ( it’s full of boxes )

Okay, so I’ve learned about a million other things, but for now, I’ll leave you with that.

Stuff I was reminded of
1.       My husband is amazing. See new leather Pandora bracelet, with a house charm.

2.       My family is amazing
3.       I’m super blessed to have all of this

One last thing, I went to the casino last night for my grandpa’s birthday and it looks like I’ve just added some unexpected funds into the decorating budget. Yippee! Merry Christmas, to me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kel...I just got to reading your blog, and let me say that I loved it. I think this is a great idea. Oh and by the way I loved the post of me in the hospital. Well I will continue to follow your blog and wish you and Adam the best along this great journey.